
These letter’s were taken from Tara Brach’s website (, and I am re-posting because I cannot say it better myself. The words ring true for everything I feel in my being. I have committed to a year-long book study of “My Grandmother’s Hands,” by Resmaa Menakem, which is a a call to action for all of us to recognize that racism is not only about the head, but about the body, and introduces an alternative view of what we can do to grow beyond our entrenched racialized divide.

Dear White Friends,

The horror and heartbreak of George Floyd’s murder has pierced the armoring of denial of many White people, starting what is a long overdue collective reckoning with our American legacy of slavery, lynching, and systematic violence and oppression of Black bodies, hearts and minds.

For this anti-racism movement to gain critical mass, each of us needs to participate. Now is the time to deepen our attention to this core wound of our society, and to dedicate ourselves to uncovering the conditioning of racism and White supremacy that imprisons and deludes our minds. And now is the time to actively dismantle the multifaceted institutionalized ways that racism continues to violate Black, Indigenous and Brown people in our society.

My prayer is that our caring and courage be great and sustained enough that we step forward to do this necessary work – each in our own way. It’s not enough to say “Black Lives Matter.” May our actions show that Black lives truly matter, that they are an honored, respected and cherished part of who we really are.

With loving blessings,

Tara (and Dana)

Dear Friends of Color,

As a White woman, I humbly ask your forgiveness for any and all ways, out of ignorance or inattention, my words or actions have caused you harm. It is not for lack of care…I care deeply that we all be freed from the suffering of White supremacy.

And as a White woman, I sincerely apologize for the immeasurable violence my race has inflicted on Black, Indigenous and Brown people. I am committed to processes of truth, reconciliation and reparative measures that can address the trauma and wounds from this violence.

My heart’s intention is to serve the awakening from racism in myself, White people and our larger society.

With loving blessings,

Tara (and Dana)